-Logo Design: Crafted to reflect the precision and cutting-edge nature of SpindleSHOT, symbolizing the machine’s ability to shoot coolant through the spindle or drill bit of large CNC manufacturing machines.

-Graphics & Animation: Designed to dynamically present key features and enhance audience engagement.

-Color & Typography: Selected to convey technical sophistication and innovation.

-SpindleSHOT branding was applied across digital and print marketing materials, exhibits, and news articles.

-Consistent and recognizable visual identity increased market visibility and reinforced SpindleSHOT’s industry presence.​​​​​​​
Additionally, Nick Murphy helped integrate SpindleSHOT branding into the All World booth at IMTS 2024, strengthening its presence in the industry.

Through strategic branding and multimedia integration, SpindleSHOT’s launch successfully showcased its role as a breakthrough solution in machine tool applications.
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